Friday, September 19, 2014

CSC165 Week1

I chose CSC165H1 since I plan to minor in computer science. To be honest, I didn't know much about computer science before. But I took CSC104H and CSC108H last academic year, and found that computer science is challenging but interesting, especially the process to complete the project. And unlike tradinational CS courses, I found CSC165 tends to focus on the thinking of logic rather than the way of programming. And the thinking of logic also benefits to the programming to a large degree.

We learned some quantification from last week, and we met a lot of questions which require us to judge whether a cliam is ture.I think the core to deal with these questions is tring to find a counter-example. More exactly, we just need to find one counter-exmaple rather than all of them to prove the claim is wrong. In contract, we need to verify that all samples(or examples) satisfy the claim  in order to prove the cliam is true. And we can also ensure there is no counter-example at all.

And we also learned expressing implication this week. To transfer natural language into universal quantification requires us to understand the sentence  clearly. However, since I am not a native speaker, sometimes it is a little confusing for me to understand the sentence exactly especially when some  prepositions exist. For exmaple, "Don't knock it unless you've tried it".The  professor said "unless" means "if not", which makes me more confused. However, I founn a way to deal with it. I translated it into Chinese , and aftering understanding it completely, I can find the logic relation of the sentence.

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