Sunday, November 16, 2014

CSC165 Week9

We got our test papers back this week and I found the outcome is actually not as bad as I thought before. It seems like I've acquired basic skills of proofs but maybe hadn't attached enough importance to some details such as writing comments and how to convert the given condition to essential steps of the proof step by step.

This week we finished the Chapter4 and started Chapter5. For Chapter4, we extended our proofs of big-O to general functions. The basic skill of this type question is the same, which is to pick the B first, then fund the c to make the right side an upper-bound. And after a week's practice, I started becoming familiar with the process of this kind proof. However, I sometimes I am not totally sure whether I should break a certain step into two to make sure others understand. I think I should find more standard examples so that I can makes sure.

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