This week we learned
something about Bi-implications,transitivity mixed quantifiers and some proofs.
As the condition of statements become more complex, it is difficult sometimes
to write the statement symbolically and negate it.

Also,we did assignment 1 this week. Though it seems simple, I found some
questions through the process of finishing it. The first is how to understand
the word "unless" in sentences. I still remember "unless"'
is equal to "if not" according to Professor Danny Heap. However, my
partner views that the statement “all acronyms
are catheterized unless they are bifurcated " implies
that an acronym is either catheterized or bifurcated but
cannot be both, while I argue that an acronym can be both catheterized
and bifurcated. And we cannot persuade each other. So we decided to
ask the professor next week and hope we can get a result.
Another problem is
that I found it's hard for me to choose "⇒"
or "^" when change a sentence into symbolic form. For example,
"There exists an A that is B", should it be "A⇒B"
or "A^B"? Ok, another question awaits to ask! ==
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